Recruiter / Recruiting

What is a Recruiter? What is Recruiting?

A recruiter is a professional whose job is to research, discover, and engage with potential job candidates on behalf of a hiring organization. Recruiters typically reach out to the strong candidates and conduct first-round interviews, at which point the process is handed off to the hiring manager or department head. A recruiter can be internal to an organization or contracted through a recruiting agency.


The recruiter brought us several strong candidates for the open position.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does the Recruiting process look like for businesses?The Recruiting process can look different for just about every organization, but it typically follows the same basic structure. For a particular open job position, the Recruiting process will include writing (or updating) a job description, creating an applicant portal for the job, identifying platforms where the strongest candidates will likely be found, posting the job opening to those platforms, reaching out to strong candidates to make them aware of the opening, and sourcing applications.Outside of any one specific job opening, general ongoing Recruiting efforts can include maintaining strong employer branding, keeping in contact with strong potential future candidates to keep these leads “warm,” and soliciting general applications to keep on file for when an opening does appear.
  • Are Recruiters internal or external workers?Recruiters can be internal employees or external contractors, depending on the organization and the position. Larger organizations are more likely to have a full-time internal Recruiting team that works to craft a broader Recruiting strategy for the company at large, while smaller organizations may contract with outside Recruiting agencies to find the best prospects.
  • What makes a Recruiter effective?Good Recruiters are hard to come by. We’ve all experienced ineffective Recruiting strategies from Recruiters cold-messaging on social media, not having any solid info about a position or an organizational culture, and obviously playing “the numbers game” rather than focusing on (literally) the job at hand.A great Recruiter will build organic connections with the top job prospects, whether they’re currently looking for new employment or just to keep them warm for when they are. They’ll emphasize why a particular prospect’s skills will be relevant to the job being recruited for, and they’ll emphasize why that organization’s culture and structure are a good fit for the prospect’s personality and career path. They know the organization and the job inside out and work hard to connect meaningfully with the top workers in any industry.
  • Is Recruiting necessary for my organization?In a highly competitive hiring environment, Recruiting is necessary for any organization that wants to attract and hire the best talent for any position they have open. While it’s easy to put out a job opening on Indeed or LinkedIn, a good Recruiter or Recruiting strategy will make sure that you’re targeting the strongest applicants and presenting your workplace as the best place to work.


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