Job Leveling / Levels

What are Job Levels? What is Job Leveling?

Job leveling is a process involving clearly defining the roles, responsibilities, and hierarchical positioning for each position within an organization. Beyond a simple job description, the job leveling process should make it clear what the career path and opportunities for advancement will look like for an employee in any given role.


Now that we’ve worked out our job leveling structure, every person at the Manager level knows that the next step in their career with the company would be a role at the Director level.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does it mean for a company to have Job Leveling?Job Leveling is the process through which an organization defines its hierarchical structure – it takes every position and grants it a defined Level, which clearly delineates it within the larger structure of the company. 
  • What is the purpose of Job Leveling?When an employee joins a company, they’re ideally looking to be with the company for the duration of their career. But it’s often unclear to employees what that career path looks like within a company. By creating a Job Leveling structure, employees know exactly what their professional progression would look like within the organization, as it’s clearly laid out and clearly delineated regardless of department.However, Job Leveling is not just beneficial for employees. It also creates a clear and defined org chart for the company, ensuring that everyone knows who’s in charge of what, the degree of authority afforded to any individual position, and more.
  • What is an example of Job Leveling?An organization can choose to structure their Job Leveling however they want – however, an example of a Job Level structure might look something like this:
    • Entry Level: The lowest level position, open to new graduates or candidates with little pre-existing professional work experience.
    • Coordinator: A step-up from the Entry Level position, granted more responsibility and trust to manage larger, more important tasks and projects.
    • Manager: A role that supervises the Entry Level and Coordinator positions.
    • Director: An upper-level management position that broadly oversees the completion of projects within a department, and supervises the Manager-level employees.
    • Chief: A C-Suite position that takes responsibility for the strategic direction and ultimate success or failure of a particular pillar within the organization.


  • Do all jobs have Levels?Not all jobs have levels, and not all workplaces have Job Leveling. Particularly in smaller or more independent businesses and organizations with less hierarchical organization, a job position may not have a clear path for advancement. And even if it does, the organization itself may not have a formal Leveling structure that makes this career path clear.A lack of Job Leveling doesn’t necessarily mean that paths for advancement aren’t available – they may simply not be codified. However, organizations that do have a formalized Job Level structure make it clearer


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