Despite being on the radar for many years, diversity and inclusion have remained problems in the global business world.

Due to unconscious bias, women and minorities are often prematurely eliminated during the selection process and are not given the same advancement opportunities as Caucasian men. Younger and less experienced employees have to ‘pay their dues’ to be taken seriously.

Join us for an interactive discussion with inclusion thought leader Alexandra Levit as she explores how to:

  • Provide equal consideration to employees with the same qualifications
  • Move women and minorities into management roles
  • Narrow pay gaps
  • Much more!

Learn how to embrace cognitive diversity—where individuals of all backgrounds, ages, and levels are respected and encouraged to contribute based on their unique experiences and perspectives.

Featuring Alexandra Levit, best-selling author and journalist. A former columnist for the Wall Street Journal and writer for the New York Times, Fast Company, and Forbes, Alexandra recently became a partner with organizational development firm PeopleResults.