
What is E-Learning?

E-Learning is 0nline learning opportunities such as web certification programs or online education courses.


Our organization leverages E-Learning opportunities to help employees learn and grow, wherever they’re located.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What qualifies as E-Learning?E-Learning is a broad term that encompasses any education done online. This can include everything from online degree programs to web-based certification programs to standalone online seminars, classes, and tutorials. Any type of learning qualifies as E-Learning so long as it’s taken digitally over the web!
  • Is E-Learning better than in-person learning?Many people wonder if E-Learning is as effective as in-person learning, and the answer is that it depends on the course, the organization, and the individual learner. Some topics are easier to teach in-person, and some people learn more effectively from in-person instructions – but conversely, some classes benefit hugely from the variety of options E-Learning platforms can offer, and some people like the flexibility of not being stuck in one room for a prescribed time period.
  • Is E-Learning good for my organization?Once again, only you can determine if E-Learning is right for your organization. If both your workforce and an in-person learning opportunity are local, it can make a lot of sense to do a course in-person. However, many organizations find that E-Learning tools offer flexible options and the added accountability of a digital platform, making them more cost-effective, engaging, and effective.
  • How do I find a trustworthy E-Learning program?E-Learning is a wonderful tool for helping your team learn new skills and concepts, but just like with everything else on the internet, it feels like the options are endless and it’s hard to verify what to trust. To find a trustworthy E-Learning program, source recommendations from peers and industry leaders, check reviews thoroughly, and – whenever applicable – try to find programs offered by established, credible organizations.


The workplace is evolving faster than ever before thanks to new HR solutions, rapidly developing technology, ever-present digital security threats, and more, and you need a partner that will help your organization stay agile and on top of the moment.

From strategic talent management to the best onboarding technology, Rival offers secure platforms that enable people to thrive in a changing workplace. Contact Rival today to talk to an expert to see how we can help you attract the best talent and keep them on board and performing up to your expectations.


Rival goes beyond traditional talent management to help our clients attract, retain, and align people to their business.