Employee Referrals

What are Employee Referrals?

Employee referrals are one of many recruitment methods for filling open job positions. Essentially, current employees of a company recommend candidates for open positions within the organization. These referrals will often involve the employee endorsing someone they know, such as a friend, family member, former colleague, or acquaintance as a suitable candidate for a job.

Employee referrals are a great way for companies to hire effectively! Reasons include the likelihood of finding candidates who fit the company culture, as well as potential cost savings and faster hiring processes compared to traditional recruiting methods.

Typically, human resources teams will create their own employee referral programs as well. Companies often offer financial rewards, bonuses, or other internal reward program incentives to employees who refer candidates that make it through the hiring process. These incentives can vary in amount depending on the level of the position or the critical need for a specific skill set.

For more reading, the Academy to Innovate HR has a great post on spicing up employee referral programs.


Jennifer was hired at her new job through an employee referral; her friend who works at the company recommended her for the position.

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