Candidate Portal

What is a Candidate Portal?

Candidate Portal is an online platform or location within a website where job seekers can submit and manage applications, provide supplementary materials, answer questions, and more.


We no longer accept printed resumes; all candidates must submit an application through our online Candidate Portal instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is a Candidate Portal important?Candidate Portals benefit hiring organizations as they allow a more systematic recruiting process, with all applications providing the same information – making comparing candidates easier and more fair than with more traditional hiring processes.Candidate Portals also offer interconnectivity with your Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This means that when a job seeker fills out an application, all that information can be organized, tracked, and managed within one back-end system that your HR and hiring manager have full control over.
  • What benefit does a Candidate Portal offer job seekers?A Candidate Portal is also useful for job seekers, as it gives them an electronic way to manage an application rather than needing to use old-school physical resumes and cover letters. It also gives them the ability to track their application status and connect more concretely with a hiring organization.
  • What’s the best way to set up a Candidate Portal?While every organization and every role will have different needs, there are a few best practices for Candidate Portals. The most important part of setting up a Candidate Portal is to strike the right balance between collecting enough information for you to make informed and useful decisions without requiring so much information that job seekers are turned off from the process.So when setting up a portal for an open position, it’s important for HR and the hiring manager to talk about what information is strictly necessary for the initial application stage, and what info is better gotten later in the hiring process. It’s also important to streamline your online application as much as possible – the less redundancy a job seeker encounters (having to copy/paste info from their resume, cover letter, etc), the more likely they are to complete the application.
  • Is a Candidate Portal the same as an Applicant Tracking System?</bWhile Candidate Portals are often linked with an Applicant Tracking System, the two are not the same. Think of a Candidate Portal as the “customer-facing” side of your online recruiting platform – it covers everything a job seeker will see and engage with during the application process. Conversely, your Applicant Tracking System is internal – it covers what you as an organization use to organize and keep track of all the applications that come in through your Candidate Portal.


The workplace is evolving faster than ever before thanks to new HR solutions, rapidly developing technology, ever-present digital security threats, and more, and you need a partner that will help your organization stay agile and on top of the moment.

From strategic talent management to the best onboarding technology, Rival offers secure platforms that enable people to thrive in a changing workplace. Contact Rival today to talk to an expert to see how we can help you attract the best talent and keep them on board and performing up to your expectations.


Rival goes beyond traditional talent management to help our clients attract, retain, and align people to their business.